Lots of Kingmaking!
The new version of Kingmaker proceeds apace.
If you're new to my re-visiting of this Andrew McNeil classic from 1974, please see this thread on BoardGameGeek: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2494597/redeveloping-kingmaker-2020.
I decided that the new board was sufficiently well developed to permit a couple of A1 printed versions for face-to-face playtesting. Now just delivered and not yet flattened properly from its rolled-up state, draft Revised Kingmaker board (I stress, prototype, not final artwork!):

I've created a new Guide to Kingmaking. This is a 4 sides of A4 document with plenty of pictures that gives an overview of how to start out with Revised Kingmaker. Again, this is a prototype document. It takes you through the construction of a Faction, the first turn of play and a sizable battle sequence. In addition, it gives some hints on how to play your first few games.
Here's a PDF for download:
I'm now into another round of playtesting, particularly 2-player and the Solo Challenge (yes, solo Kingmaker!), the latter ably designed by Steve Froud. And there will be face-to-face too - we have a session organised for Sunday 15 August at The Ludoquist Boardgame Cafe in Croydon, and I'm sorting out some more dates for September in various venues.